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A short stroll from the previous location, no doubt the shrewd businessman took advantage of depressed real estate market to upgrade his surroundings C roughly tripling the size of his domain. Though most people who indirectly do business with John wont ever see it, save for a few select clients who are fortunate. Simonian is replica Gucci 111 Series Watch the owner of Westime, the popular luxury watch store situated around the corner off Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. Though he really does a lot more than that.The watch don is friendly at his desk. His own office includes a conference table and toys.

You can read more about the controversy surrounding that rescue, and his subsequent solo ascent of the 26,040foot east summit of Annapurna here. Peter Maas wrote a feature story about Humar for us in 2002, which you can read here. You replica Gucci 111 Series Watch can also check out our online gallery of images that accompanied Maass story, and a highlight tour of some photos from his memoir, No Impossible Ways.More details about the current rescue can be found here, and we’ll update you as soon as we have more info. —Sam Moulton

Dr. john Stanisic, a Queensland Museum scientist, has named a newly discovered species of rare Australian tree snail in honor of the famous conservationist and T.V. personality, Steve Irwin, says the Environmental News Network. The snail, replica Gucci YA111402 Watch Crikey steveirwini (seriously), can be found in the mountainous regions of north Queenslands Wet Tropics near Cairns.It was the khaki colour that immediately drew the connection to the late Crocodile Hunter, Dr. Stanisic told ENN.Dave Costello

